Marine Marsol's portfolio

This page was developed to present my work, creations and competences as an intercultural artist. Discover more by downloading my resume and browsing through my creations.

"That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse"

At the age of 22, having recently graduated from a French university in Arts and Performance, I am looking forward to giving life to my competences as an artist by contribuating to the development of art in the world. In today's current uncertainty, I want to be able to help other people feeling they matter, and that they can “contribute a verse” in shaping our future society. As we can see with our current situation, one of the main criticisms made by the occidental middle class, is that they are not heard. What else should we do then, expect to develop communication and the interchange of cultures through international and intercultural artistic projects?

My work and competences

Find here a resume of my work, competences and creations by field of expertise.


Professional and Artistic Curriculum Vitae

Find here several links towards my professional and artistic curriculum vitae, as well as recommendation letters from previous teachers.